I’m always attracted to pictures that ask questions, are ambiguous, reference some mystery. Even without a clear narrative there remains some sense of shared human experience and emotion. That experience is my source code, my original quest. It can conflict with the need to be clearly telling a story, explaining what is happening to an audience you’ve been commissioned to serve. So whenever I find pictures like these in my archive I pull them out and print them to remind myself of my truest self.

I believe that everyone has an unspoken question running deep in their unconscious asking who we are. We also are asking why we are here, what is our purpose? These are questions we may never ask out loud or even consciously think about. But if we don’t, I think this leads to conflicts and eventually a life crisis. Looking back over my work I see that in my earliest work I was asking these questions through my photographs. Seeking answers through pressing the shutter; each exposure a prayer for meaning in a world that can seem meaningless. 

These selects of a few new and old images is an attempt to see and remember what I’m hunting all the time. 

Doug Menuez